Here are 3 important hormones you need to know about!
Want weight loss? Then you need to focus on healthy happy hormones.
Which hormones? Remember the Big 3: Cortisol, Thyroid and Blood Sugar.
Because your current weight-loss tactics…
are most likely ruining your metabolism and harming your health!
What are you told to do to lose weight? Eat less, exercise more.
As women, we’re focused on cardio and intimidated by strength training (and the fear of getting BIGGER from it). You try Keto, only after a few weeks to be miserable and go binge that next weekend. You’ve even considered medication or pills, because something has GOT to work, right?
I know how frustrating it can be, and have been told by many clients how defeating it is.
Weight loss occurs because of MORE than just a calories in/calories out equation. Yes that matters, but your physiology and hormones are in ultimate control!
So think back to our previous approach: Eat less (stress) + exercise more (stress) = too much stress.
When the body is under chronic stress, the brain increases cortisol, and other hormones decrease, such as thyroid and metabolic function, irregular blood sugar is dysregulated and even wonky sex hormones—and as a direct result, weight-loss is not even a consideration for the body to tackle!

More Hormone Facts:
1) Adrenals produce cortisol -(the body’s stress hormone), aldosterone – (regulates blood pressure), and DHEA – (affects blood sugar).
Plus, the adrenals can also secrete some testosterone and estrogen as well have a direct interplay with the…
2) Thyroid (which produces inactive thyroid hormone T4 and active thyroid hormone T3) and…
3) Ovaries (which produce estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone)
Cortisol produced by the adrenals directly blocks the conversion of inactive T4 to active T3.
ALSO, cortisol clearance is directly affected by thyroid. So if your thyroid is SLOW, you can’t CLEAR excess cortisol.
Stress (in the form of inadequate energy intake, over-exercising, physical, perceived stress, etc.) will stop ovulation. Stress can impact the detoxification of estrogen leading to estrogen excess.
So you can see that there are 3 main hormone systems that ALL work together to affect your physiology, health and results. None of these organs/glands and their hormones work solo by themselves. If you’re working on one area, you should also look at it’s connection to the others.
Not looking at hormones and the whole body is exactly why so many people fail to achieve their weight-loss goals. Their metabolism slows down as their body systems are completely overwhelmed with different types of stress.
Everything changes when we learn how to work with our body and hormones!
If you’re struggling, I highly recommend you learn HOW to work with your body, metabolism, and hormones.
This is specifically what I help women with in my 1:1 personalized wellness plans & self guided online programs!
If you’re interested in learning more, check out MY SERVICES HERE
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