5 Things I Wish Women Knew About Prenatal Fitness
After going through 2 pregnancies, and training/coaching multiple other pregnant women, here are the top 5 things I wish women knew.
Heck – if you aren’t currently pregnant, but are planning to be in the future, this is VERY important for you too!
Remember, in health & wellness: what is common is not always normal or healthy. This applies to women during pregnancy & their fitness as well.
So here are the 5 things:
1. You CAN maintain your Strength: It is totally possible to keep a routine during pregnancy, and you don’t *need* to stay away from lifting or training the same weight you did before pregnancy. And moderately-intense exercise can be safe for most women (and beneficial to you and baby!)
2. Be prepared for random setbacks: This could be minor aches or pains, fatigue, etc – it all depends on each person. Remember your body is changing each week, so it’s normal to experience changes in how you feel during movement! The key is that it’s temporary & to pivot when needed.
3. You might not need to modify as much as you thought: But of course, it will be important when needed & appropriate. They key is to not just modify or stop completely because you’re pregnant or feel obligated to “take it easy”. Most movements are still safe to do! You have to take each exercise for YOU and each session at a time as well!
4. …But you DO need to know when and how to modify. There signs during exercise, as well as the time frame of your pregnancy, in which it’s recommended to start modifications. Movement should feel natural and good- your body will tell you yes or no!
5. Consistency matters most! No matter what you’re doing – just continue to give it your best effort, and aim to stay as consistent as possible. This is most important – having a routine is crucial to maintain overall physical well-being, while keeping you motivated and accountable!
If you’re pregnant & working out, here are the 3 things that should be in your routine:
1. Posterior chain strength: this means your back, glutes, hips and legs.
Why? Because as your body changes during pregnancy, your center of gravity is pulled forward from your growing belly. This changes our posture & tends to lead to weakened, inactive posterior muscles.
Furthermore, that post partum era brings A LOT of sitting & hunching forward towards baby – making this problem worse. Let’s avoid “Mom Butt”!
2. Core Activation & Strength: this is important because again, of all the physical changes occurring! The ab muscles are stretched & can be challenging to maintain strength. Plus, a strong core will reduce back & hip pain, reduce injuries, aid in labor & speed up post partum recovery!
3. Mobility & Flexibility: As our posture changes, certain areas are more prone to tightness (i.e. hips, chest, low back). Good Mobility is also super important for labor & delivery!
Watch my video here on top Hip and Pelvic Floor Stretches
You can find comprehensive workouts (for all levels) specific exercises to do (and some to avoid) plus how to overcome any exercise challenges, within my Holistic Prenatal Fitness Program!
The program is available NOW to purchase (at a special launch price)!!
CLICK HERE to read all about the Program Details and to sign up to get instant access!
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