HORMONE IMBALANCES PART 3: Stress & Our Hormones
In my previous posts I shared Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances & Lifestyle Triggers associated. This post shares how STRESS can be a main factor to hormone issues.

Short term, stress is okay & we can manage it. But long term it negatively affects our entire health & well-being.
ROOT CAUSE: Chronic (long term) stress wrecks havoc on our hormones. Finances, family, relationships, divorce, work/career, school, new baby, moving, putting too much on your plate, a perfectionist mindset…you get the picture.
RESPONSE: Our body is SMART & knows what to do when we encounter stress. We naturally release cortisol & adrenaline from the adrenals to “get us through” the stress. Remember there are so many types of stressors, so “Even if you don’t feel stressed” the body still elicits the same physiological “fight or flight” response! Even our thoughts, recalling memories, or as small as running late, all send our body into that protective mode.
SYMPTOMS: Consequences of an elevated stress response leads to decreased digestion, immunity, reproduction, etc. The body says ” I need to get rid of this stress; I can’t be worrying about food or fertility!” Symptoms is a way your body is trying to communicate with you that something is not right. They’re not to be ignored!
IMBALANCES: As the stress & the constant response continues, the Symptoms increase, eventually leading to hormone dysfunction and imbalances. If not addressed, it can lead to dysfunction of your metabolism, sex hormones, adrenals, blood sugar & more.
These are stressors in themselves; mental stress increases (“What is wrong with me?”) We have more food cravings, exercise less because of fatigue…and the vicious cycle continues.
So if you suspect you have any hormone imbalance, start with your Stress Levels. Let’s take the time to learn WHY your body is having these hormone imbalances. Look for any underlying Root Causes, to get & stay healthy! ❤
You might find this article helpful of where to start: Reduce & Manage Stress
Questions? Let’s chat how I can help. Send me a message below!
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