The govt & media taught us that dietary fat is bad for us (just look at the food pyramid) & to eat them sparingly (Anyone remember the fat-free craze of the 90s??) But research has now proved this totally false.
Instead of demonizing the food group, let’s educate ourselves about this necessary & important nutrient!
Fast Facts about FATS:
Most calorie dense source of energy (9 cals/gram)
Essential Macronutrient, meaning the body cannot make it & must obtain through diet
Slow digesting & provides satiation
Absorption of Vitamins A D E & K
Protects the internal organs of the body
Required to produce cholesterol, the precursor to all hormones
Needed to Maintain all hormone production
Assists in: the formation of the cellular membrane, cell repair & building, wound healing
The brain is upwards of 60% fat!! Fats support cognitive/brain function & nerve functioning. Our brain is our control center & the nervous system is our lifeline!
Influences heart health & lipid levels
Omega 3 Fats have a positive impact on heart & brain health. They have anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to reduce LDL while improving HDL. It is important to avoid the processed & tran-fats completely while adding in the protective Omega 3s & other healthy fats to your diet. Foods high in Omega 3 fats include: wild-caught fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, herring & mackerel, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds.
Dietary fat should be a part of everyone’s diet. Healthy ranges can be anywhere from 20-40% of calories. This depends on the person’s genetics, current health, blood work, health goals, activity level, etc.
Lastly, the TYPE & Quality of Fats MATTERS.
There are specific foods to CHOOSE & which to AVOID when it comes to Fats.
Quick Science Lesson: There are 3 many types of fats: mono-saturated, poly-suturated & saturated. A “man made” type are transfats.
We need a mix of all 3 main kinds for optimal health.
Easy Takeaway:
Most Saturated fats are from animal sources & all safe to heat.
Plant sources are unsaturated & best to NOT heat or cook with.
All trans fats & processed oils/fats should be avoided at ALL costs.

Healthy Dietary Fats:
Cooking Oils: (Baking, roasting, frying; temps over 400F+)
Unrefined, extra-virgin organic Coconut Oil (Kerrygold brand) Grass Fed butter, Ghee (clarified butter) or Lard, Refined Avocado oil
Non-Cooking Oils (best for room temp or only light cooking up to 325F & dressings)
MCT Oil, Extra virgin & virgin olive oil, flax oil
Raw nuts & seeds
Natural nut or seed butter
Coconut butter/manna
Flaxseed & Flax Oil
Chia Seeds
Whole free-range/organic eggs
Animal Sources:
Ethically raised fattier cuts of meats & fattier fish, organic dairy
Unhealthy Fats to Avoid: Processed oils: Vegetable, soybean, corn, cottonseed, canola, sunflower, safflower, margarine, vegetable shortening, hydrogenated fats/oils (Trans-fats)
These are found in many fried foods, processed & packaged junk foods etc, and commonly used in fast foods and restaurants.
READ LABELS & be aware of tricky marketing!!
For example, Earth Balance & Pure Blends market the words “light, healthy, natural”. They might seem safe and healthy, but look closely at the ingredients. They include inflammatory vegetable oils, color dyes & artificial additives. What to do? Keep it simple! Avoid products that have enticing labels. Pick “Grass Fed” butter (like KerryGold brand) & fats that have 1 ingredient.
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