FREE Ways to Improve your Health:

- Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
- Stand more and sit less.
- Practice mini (2-5 minute) “movement breaks” throughout the day
- Spend time outside.
- Be in Nature.
- Go for a walk or run (preferably outside!)
- Stop buying processed & junk foods.
- Swap out packaged food products for whole foods.
- Plant a garden then consume the veggies, fruit, herbs for months after!
- Quit smoking, drug and/or excessive alcohol use.
- Eliminate toxic cleaning/beauty/household products.
- Drink more water.
- Try a form of meditation.
- Do full body stretching or yoga.
- Do a bodyweight workout
- Keep a (Gratitude) Journal
- Practice mantras, affirmations or prayer.
- Try deep belly (diaphragm) breathing, especially when you’re feeling stressed or anxious.
- Spend time with loved ones or a pet, whether in person or virtually.
- Focus on the positives rather than the negative.
- Create a structured morning routine to boost productivity and energy.
- Create a night routine to calm down and support rest and sleep.
- Smile!!!
And there’s many more!
It’s expensive being Healthy? Think again.
All of these are FREE…and some will even SAVE you money!
But… are we utilizing all of these consistently?? It can be quite EASY to be improve your health. It just takes making it a PRIORITY & investing in yourself.
As you can see, the list is hardly about eating specific superfoods, wearing Lululemon, that expensive gym membership or having the latest Fitbit. While all of those are great! they’re not necessary. Plus, they don’t address your emotional, mental & spiritual part of your well-being!
Focus on the BASICS and the Pillars of your Health: Nutrition, Exercise, Connection, Environment, and Mental/Emotional Well-Being. Build healthy habits that are sustainable and then progress from there!
What is one “free” way you invest in your health?
What is one thing you want to start??
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