Many people struggle with low energy and may even have associated health conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromylagia. You may not be “sick” or have a medical condition, but what we find is most people say they “feel like crap”; you have no physical energy and low motivation or zest to do anything. You may even experience anxiety, depression, mood swings, joint and muscle aches, trouble sleeping, headaches or more as part of feeling fatigued.
Finding the Energy Drain Culprits
Here are some examples of common ‘energy drains’ in our routines:
- Technology Use: E-Mail, Social Media, Screen time on tablets, phones etc.
- Poor Diet: Processed and inflammatory foods, fake or modified ingredients, high sugar and fatty foods
- Sedentary Lifestyle & Lack of Physical Activity
- Environmental Toxins
- Poor Detoxification and Gut Flora Imbalance
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Chronic Inflammation
- Lack of Sleep & Overall Recovery
- Mental & Emotional Stress
- The Commute, Work demands, the “Go Go Go” lifestyle
- Household Chores & The “To Do List”
- “Decision Fatigue” & Brain Fog
- Medications
- Dehydration
- Poor Posture & Mobility
- Physical and Mental Inactivity
- Spinal Mis-Alignments, known as Subluxations
- Caring for Children or Family Members
As you can see, there are many things that can zap our energy and leave us feeling weak, fatigued and unmotivated. But there is good news: there are just as many things you can do make to your lifestyle that boost energy naturally!
Here are some things you can start doing right away to boost your energy levels:
- Drink water: Ideally first thing in the morning consume clean filtered water. Our body is 66% water and we become dehydrated overnight. Dehydration leads to low energy, fatigue, brain fog, headaches and more. A rule of thumb: Aim to drink at least half of your bodyweight in ounces of water daily.
- Start seeking out more fruits and vegetables. We like to say “Eat the rainbow”. Most of your plate should be veggies and consume fruit sparingly as a special snack.
- Supplement with Vitamin D and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Both are needed for immune, brain health and the functioning of your nervous system.
- Consider testing for nutritional deficiencies: CoQ10, all B Vitamins, Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin C are just a few that are needed in proper amounts for energy production.
- Reduce your intake of simple carbs & high sugar processed foods
- Try consuming lean quality protein & healthy fat at every meal

- Check for spinal and postural misalignments. These lead to interferences in the nervous system and can cause low energy and other conditions listed above.
- Get regular chiropractic adjustments. An adjustment corrects any underlying structural imbalances that can cause nerve impingement. It restores the communication between the brain and body, resulting in you feeling and functioning at your best!
- Acknowledge the times you feel most tired and let yourself rest. It’s OKAY to “slow down, not quit”.
- Learn to ask for help when needed and/or delegate tasks, chores etc.
- Avoid the “energy toxins” (activities, relationships, environments) that leave you feeling exhausted.
- Remove small stressors from your routine and thought pattern. Asking yourself “Will this matter in a month, 6 months, a year from now?” can bring you a new perspective on how you spend your energy and thoughts.
- Invest in a daylight bright light therapy lamp & get exposed to (natural) light in the morning
- Spend more time outdoors, preferably in nature
- Reduce your light exposure starting in the evening and avoid blue light exposure (via technology) at night, which disrupts sleep patterns and can leave you feeling groggy the next day.
- Get moving! Prioritize consistent exercise sessions
- MOVE all day long. Schedule “movement breaks” during the day & non-strenuous physical activity (standing, walking, etc).
- Use HIIT & Circuit training in your exercise program. This type of workout utilizes intervals, which helps to increase metabolism, burn more body fat than a steady-pace workout, and can boost energy after the workout.
- Investigate your medication side effects
- Consider adaptogenic herbs, like ashwaghanda, medicinal mushrooms, rhodiola and gingseng that can help boost energy and support the body’s stress response
- Pure essential oils such as peppermint, rosemary, citrus (tangerine, orange, bergamot) work directly with the nervous system to increase energy. I prefer Doterra & Young Living, as most other brands are diluted and/or use fake ingredients.
- Try slowing down to gain more energy. Meditation, guided imagery and other visualization techniques help reduce stress, clear and calm the mind and boost energy. Yoga, tai-chi, or a simple walk are all great places to start.
- Treat sleep as your #1 way to build your “energy bank account”
- Create a relaxing night routine (Find our best tips on Sleep here)

If you start implementing some of these tactics, then you’ll sure start enjoying more energy in everything you do! You’ll find your whole life is transformed & your health and well-being will improve!
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