Have you had a negative experience with a doctor? Ever asked for lab testing or other further tests, but been turned down?
Maybe you’ve been told it’s “not necessary”, “not available to test” or that your symptoms are just common or nothing to worry about.

I’ve been there; I’ve left many appts & felt not heard, respected & frustrated. I did a poll on on my Instagram and 86% of those who responded said they’ve been through the same thing and felt the same emotions. This is not okay!
Functional Medicine works to find the ROOT CAUSE of health problems, from a whole-body & comprehensive viewpoint.
As a FMÂ Health Coach, my role is to empower YOU as the patient/client to communicate with your doctors & then make lifestyle changes to improve your health.
The body is so complex, with all systems affecting one another. The thyroid, adrenals, sex hormones & blood sugar are ALL connected. You have to make sure you address it all. For example, chronic fatigue can come from hypothyroidism BUT also a MTHFR gene variant & poor absorption of B vitamins. We must look at things from all angles!
Although I’m a health professional I am also a patient. We as patients MUST be our own advocate. What gets tested, gets measured and then gets managed! You have options!
So, How do you get the tests ordered and the answers you deserve?
Do your research. Don’t just go by what others test & their symptoms. Educate & inform yourself to the best of your ability. Write them down & bring them to your appt.
Vocalize (respectfully) that you’d like to get these tests done because of (blank) reasons.
Explain your symptoms, how it relates to the tests you would like, any family history, past illnesses or events etc.
Work with a practitioner that respects, listens & wants to collaborate with you. Respect that they are the expert, but YOU are the expert of your body; you know it best!
Be open, willing to listen & flexible. If you approach your appt. defensively, chances are your doc will respond the same way. See what their recommendations are first. Never demand anything & be respectful. The goal is a collaborative relationship, open communication & work from BOTH parties!
If your doctor says no, then here are some questions to ask:
Why do you feel that they’re not important?
What tests do you recommend?
What lifestyle factors will affect my symptoms? Do you recommend any changes, even without testing?
What can we do to move forward to solve (symptom/condition)?
Don’t have a good relationship with your current doc, or not have one at all? Seek another opinion!
Research different doctors, specifically Functional Medicine/Integrative Practitioners that will be more likely to do comprehensive testing. Positive: Many now do Telemedicine; they can order tests & have appts virtually!
Consider working with a FM Health Coach first (like myself!) if finding a Doc is not available or feasible. We can’t order or assess testing, but we CAN educate you on different tests available, plus go through lifestyle factors that can help with your issues. Many times, clients have huge improvements by addressing their diet, exercise, stress and sleep!
Questions, concerns, opinions? Comment below or send me a message!
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