I’ve chosen to partner with these specific companies because of their high standards for quality products and service. I won’t recommend something unless I’ve had personal experience with it! I trust these for myself, my family and to my clients. Feel free to let me know any questions you may have!
Doterra Essential Oils: Certified therapeutic grade pure essential oils and high grade products that can transform your health and lifestyle!
BeautyCounter: Completely non-toxic beauty, skin, body products and more, dedicated to “Clean Beauty” with products that are good FOR you and actually work!
SunBasket: An online meal service subscription, offering organic ready to go meals and meal kits, to make healthy eating easier and more accessible.
FullScript: An online dispensary providing pharmaceutical high grade supplements & products, straight from the manufacturer, at a discounted rate.
Your Lab Work: Order lab tests at a discounted rate (no physician required) and gain online access to your results!
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