My Personal Story: How I Balanced My Hormones & Got My Period Back
If you know a bit of my personal background, then you know I’ve had hormone imbalances for the past several years. I had amenorrhea for almost 5 years in addition to hypothyroidism & adrenal fatigue/dysfunction. It has been a long road and I am grateful for my progress and the experience, because it has allowed me to help and empower others!
Through a functional medicine & holistic approach, I balanced my thyroid function and also got my period back naturally in Dec. 2018. However I still struggled to maintain it consistently for the next 18 months. Now in 2021, my hormones have been the best they have been in almost a decade!

Even if you don’t want to get pregnant, a healthy menstrual cycle is considered a “vital sign” of health. If you don’t have one, it’s irregular, debilitating and you have horrible PMS, those are ways your body is trying to communicate with you!
So, what I did I do to balance my hormones, improve my thyroid function, and get my cycle back?
First off…Things I DIDN’T do:
Go on Birth Control (that might be the worst thing that you COULD do)
Take synthetic medication or HRT
Only looked at my reproductive hormones/system
Have negative emotions consume me: Stress, worry, guilt, shame all are normal and valid, but they shouldn’t be our main feelings
Complain or have a negative mindset
Gain weight for the sake of gaining weight
Eat 3,000 calories a day with no regard to nutrition or intuitive eating
Cut out exercise completely
Take any supplement I could get my hands on
Had a specific end date to my healing
❤ Things that I DID do:
Addressed my health and body as a WHOLE
Recruited the guidance of multiple functional medicine and naturopathic physicians
Did thorough testing, including full panels of OTHER hormones
Improved the health of my thyroid and adrenals and reducing any inflammation
Reduced my overall stress load
Sleeping 8 hours each night
Followed a very specific supplement protocol, which includes nutrients for whole body wellness not just hormone health.
Prioritized eating at maintenance intake with a balanced approach to macros (aka not low carb or low fat) as well as high quality nutrient dense choices
Avoid Alcohol: This is not new to me, as I’m not a big drinker. But alcohol is essentially toxic and can disrupt all hormones.
Balanced exercise approach, alternating between lower and higher intensity sessions and finding the right duration for me
Let things progress naturally; I fully believed in God’s perfect timing and that He is constantly working in me to make me healthy and whole.
Trust myself, my body and the healing process.
Practicing positive affirmations, mantras and prayer. My favorites: “My body is always working for me. I won’t give up on my health. I have the power to improve my hormones and fertility.”
Not let it consume me. I do experience stress and emotions, but I wouldn’t let them linger or dwell on them.
Have a strong supportive system: My husband is amazing and supports my decisions 100%.
My point in sharing this is to show that EVERYONE HEALS DIFFERENTLY. There is no one size fits all approach to health, specifically women’s and hormone health! Some women get their period back in a few months, some it takes years. For some it takes some SERIOUS changes to their lifestyle.
But the same rule applies: You should prioritize your ENTIRE lifestyle and health. You won’t see results if you are still stuck in a self limiting negative belief, saying “I’ll never get my cycle back” and overthinking about it. Make a plan, execute and keep on swimming. You can do this!! So many times that I have felt discouraged, only to have things turn around when you least expect it. The hard work IS paying off!
I didn’t come this far, to only come this far! We keep praying that one day we will have beautiful children. Until then I will keep enjoying this chapter of our lives now and doing the thing day in day out!
I’m here to educate, support and empower in any way I can. I help my clients look, feel and function at their best, and have helped other women improve their own hormones with a whole body wellness approach!
Feel free to contact me below with any questions about services or how I can help!
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