Feeling wired yet tired. Chronic joint pain & nagging injuries that wouldn’t heal. Low libido. Insomnia. Anxiety. Constipation, bloating and food sensitivities. Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and discouraged in your body. 🙁
Do these ring a bell for you? You’re not alone.
I’ve had all of these listed above plus more!
Have you heard of Adrenal Fatigue? This is an umbrella term when there is a dis-regulation between the communication between your brain and adrenal hormones, resulting in symptoms and a cascade of hormonal imbalances.
Imagine this: Your body and the communication between your Brain and the rest of the Organs is a giant complex highway system. The Brain (Hypothalamus) signals the Pituitary gland (also in the brain) to signal the production of hormones within the adrenals, thyroid, ovaries etc. This is what is called the HPA (Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal) Axis.
When there is too much stimulation, or STRESS perceived by the brain, it essentially causes a “traffic jam” within the highway. Since the body’s systems are all connected, this results in problems with other areas like the thyroid and reproductive organs.
So, What are the Adrenals? They are two walnut-sized glands that sit by our kidneys. They are responsible for producing a variety of different hormones such as:
Adrenaline (the “fight or flight” hormone)
Cortisol (the “Stress hormone”)
DHEA (affects metabolism and controls production of sex hormones)
Aldosterone (related to kidney function)
They also help to produce and maintain body energy levels in conjunction with the thyroid. The adrenals play a HUGE role in how we manage stress!
Do you know that feeling when your skin get warm, your heart is racing, and you have a “burst of energy”? That is the adrenaline “rush” your body responds with in times of stress. Examples would be if you had to sprint out of the way of a car, to avoid an accident, or even fun times like riding thrill rollercoasters or sports/exercise.
You might feel like Superwoman, crossing off all those things on your To-Do List. But how do you REALLY feel? Do you have genuine energy? Or are you relying on caffeine ,”pushing through” all day until you finally crash? Not. Healthy…!!!
Stress is actually normal and can be healthy short term. But our bodies were not meant to be in a crazy busy lifestyle with unrealistic demands ALL the time. Chronic levels of cortisol and stress raises inflammation, leads to hormonal imbalances and have been linked to ALL diseases.
In essence, Adrenal Fatigue is a result of chronic STRESS. When the body perceives stress in any capacity (running late for work, baby crying, processed foods, environmental toxins) the Adrenals release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These allow us to respond against the stress.
Stress = Cortisol = Inflammation = Health Problems & Diseases
Being stressed means we are constantly taxing our adrenal glands to pump out more and more cortisol. Eventually it essentially depletes the adrenal gland function and compromises the whole hormone (endocrine) system. It leads to stress on the Thyroid and the Reproductive organs, which is why many people start have issues with their metabolism and sex hormones when they have chronic stress and adrenal dysfunction.
But, Adrenal Fatigue isn’t Real…?
Yes, Adrenal Fatigue is actually not recognized in the medical field as a true condition. A better term to use is HPA or Adrenal Dysregulation, because that is essentially what is happening; the entire “hormone highway system” or feedback loop, has dysfunction.
However, just because something isn’t labeled as a health condition, doesn’t mean it does not exist! Hormone imbalances and adrenal dysregulation is 100% real! Don’t let anyone tell you that your symptoms don’t exist or don’t matter! You deserve to feel like yourself and your BEST.
Triggers or Causes of Adrenal Dysfunction:
- Trauma (physical or mental)
- Chronic disease
- Emotional & Mental Stress: relationships, family, career, finances
- Intense Physical Stress: excessive exercise, dieting
- Chemical & Environmental Stress: Pollutants, heavy metals, conventional self care products
- Poor Diet: processed foods, conventional animal products, high sugar and inflammatory diet
- Sleep deprivation
- Lack of rest, recovery and self care rituals
- Sudden life change or major stressor (new baby, death, move, school, job)
- Negative or Toxic Environments (Work, Home)
- Go-go-go Type A perfectionist mentality
- Positive Stressors (yes!) Planning a wedding, a move, career promotion, a new family member etc.
Symptoms of Adrenal Dysfunction:
- Fatigue/Low energy
- Insomnia
- Muscle/Joint Aches
- Digestive issues
- Bloating/Water retention
- Weight gain (esp. in midsection)
- Amenorrhea
- Loss of muscle mass/strength
- Low body temperature/always cold
- Very dry skin & brittle hair
- Low/decreased Blood pressure
- Dizziness upon standing (from floor/seated positions)
- Yellow/orange colored palms of hands & soles of feet
- Frequent + urgent urination
- Constant thirst + dry mouth
- Craving salt and sugar
- Depressed moods and states of apathy
- Erratic moods, irritable, short-tempered
- Inability to handle stress, small or large situations
- Decreased “zest for life”
- Lack of desire for normal activities + social events
- Low libido
- Feelings of anxiety + negative thoughts…going on “mental tangents”
- Highly sensitive to noises; feelings of “over-stimulation”
- Lack of concentration, mental fog, jumbling words

Did you recognize a lot of those symptoms or triggers?
I know…it’s overwhelming and frustrating at the same time. You want to cry but also a little mad that things are at the current state they’re in, and feeling like nobody is listening to you.
It’s ok…I’ve been there myself so I know EXACTLY how that feels! But the good news is…you CAN start feeling better, all with natural holistic lifestyle measures!
If you are ready to make a change and want to eliminate your symptoms, you HAVE to make yourself a priority.
The number one piece of advice I have for you?
Acknowledge the Adrenal Fatigue and the NEED for permanent change in multiple ways.
Realizing that there is a problem and then making the necessary steps towards change can be embarrassing, overwhelming, or a little scary. It can also seem like you are a “failure” because you couldn’t keep up with the rollercoaster of life. This is not the case AT ALL. It is so important to realize that NO ONE is perfect. It can be hard to admit that you have to make some changes, because heck, change is scary. But your long term HEALTH is worth it, and is depending on you making those steps to recovery.
Stay tuned for the next article on Where to Start in Healing your Adrenals & Improving your Hormones!
Do you have questions? Feel free to contact me below!
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