Tips to Combat Cravings and Stress Eating
Ever find yourself elbow-deep into the cookie jar, peanut butter container or chip bag? Yea, you’re not alone. Stress and emotional eating happens to all of us!
There is nothing wrong with indulging and enjoying food! However, we want to ultimately be in control of the food and the amount, versus feeling like we only have food to process how we feel.
Is Stress or Emotional Eating holding you back from your results, progress, or just feeling good overall?? Here are my Top Tips to manage your cravings and reduce stress eating once and for all!

1. Get Rid of Trigger Foods
If you don’t have the temptations available, you won’t be able to have them! The more we eat processed, packaged sugary or fatty foods, the more we crave them. Yes, both on a physiological and mental level! It gives us a rush of endorphins and makes us feel happy. Who wouldn’t want that? But it is not good long term! So…be honest with yourself and recognize what foods, if kept available, you tend to over-eat. Even “healthier” options, like trail mix or granola, can be a slippery slope! Out of sight, out of mind really is key here.
2. Create a Positive Environment
Get out of that trigger environment (aka the kitchen or the workplace break room!) where food is easily accessible. If you remove yourself, it is a lot easier to not eat it or be tempted! If you’re stressed, find a space that makes you feel more at ease. Coworkers or kids are getting on your nerves? Instead of running to the snack drawer, head to your room (the bathroom!) or another space that you can collect your thoughts & not use food to cope.
3. Check in with Yourself: Acknowledge and ask WHY
Many times stress and emotional eating can be linked to habits and routine. We don’t even realize sometimes why we are eating! So ask yourself these questions:
Am I truly hungry, or do I just have an appetite?
Why do I feel the desire to eat right now?
If I’m not hungry, what do I want food to provide for me?
What kind of emotions am I feeling right now?
Give yourself some space and time to sit with this and be a little uncomfortable. Ride this out and take the time to truly evaluate your current state and well-being.
4. Distract Yourself
Give yourself at least 15 minutes before going back to the kitchen or snack drawer. Get your mind occupied on something other than that craving. Go for a walk, get outside, play with your pet or kids, organize the house, fold laundry…you get the idea! Chances are those cravings are a lot less after that allotted time.

5. Drink Water
Many times our cravings and feelings are “hunger” are actually signs of mild dehydration! We need water (and a lot more of it) than food. Water decreases cravings, keeps us fuller for longer, and helps with digestion and energy. Aim for a glass when you’re feeling like a snack, and try to drink it in between meals.
6. Chew Gum and or Brush your Teeth
I have a huge sweet tooth, but I use these tactics daily! It helps me signal that I am done eating; I don’t crave anything when my mouth is minty clean and fresh! 😉 Try to not over-do the gum and opt for those without fake sugars/additives as well.
7. Have Non-food Stress-relieving Tactics
Brainstorm some things that you can do to give you that same endorphin feeling food does, reduces stress AND distracts yourself from the fleeting craving. Ideas can be: going for a walk or any type of physical movement, connecting with a friend or family member, journaling, reading, meditation etc. Have a few different go-to ways you can de-stress & process emotions without using food.

8. Have Healthy Go To Options
I’m not recommending completely abstaining and depriving yourself by any means! Instead of having the trigger foods that lead you to over-eat/indulge, choose healthier items and foods, that you can moderate the portion AND still be satisfied!
9. Portion it Out and Enjoy without Guilt
It is going to happen, where we will eat based out of emotions and stress. We’re human! We can’t avoid it at all costs. Plus, food can make us feel good, and sometimes, only chocolate does the trick 😊
When you do decide to indulge, have those healthy options and ways to portion them out. This could be placing your cookies in little baggies (keeping the rest in the freezer) individually packaged chocolates, popcorn bags, etc. Avoid eating straight from the bag or box. Learn what works for you!
10. Acknowledge your Power and Choices
You DO have control over what and how much you eat! It might sound silly, but don’t let the food and your cravings control you. Be stronger the stress and know that “this too shall pass”! This will be a work in progress!! Don’t expect perfection overnight, but use each situation as a way to get stronger mentally and a chance to make a conscious and healthy decision.
Questions, concerns, or want to chat? Send me a quick message below! I’d love to help 🙂
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