77,000. That’s the number of man-made, toxic chemicals Americans are exposed to on a daily basis! What is even scarier? That less than 2% have been tested for toxicity and long term effects.
These chemicals lurk everywhere: in our food supply, cleaning products, makeup, bedding etc. The average home has 62 chemicals in it!
These toxic substances might not be regulated, but they are very harmful to our health, specifically our nervous and endocrine systems.
Our endocrine system is responsible for the production & maintenance of our hormones. It consists of many organs, such as the thryoid & adrenals.
Endocrine (Hormone) Disruptors are these toxic chemicals that are carcinogenic to our body. Research has linked these toxins to conditions like cancer, autoimmune diseases, mood disorders etc. They produce adverse immune, neurological, reproductive and developmental effects in our body and also to the environment.
They interfere with normal nerve functioning and hormone production by lowering, raising or imitating hormones. These chemicals also can block or bind hormone receptor sites.

TOP 12 TOXINS to Avoid:
- BPA: Bisphenol-A, a synthetic chemical found in all plastics, can linings, resins, paper receipts etc.
- Atrazine: Found on conventional corn crops and in water supplies
- Glyphosate: Also known as “Roundup” weed killer, this toxin is used in conventional farming & has been found in conventional produce, corn, soy, vegetable oils, and even packaged foods such as cereal! It is found in most packaged/processed foods or those containing GMOs.
- Phthalates: found in plastics, skin care, beauty, self-care products etc. Most commonly labeled as “fragrance”.
- Parabens: group of chemicals found commonly in skin care products: soaps, lotions, makeup, deodorants, etc.
- Sodium Lauryl Suflate (SLS): hair products and laundry detergents
- Perfluorinated Chemicals/PFCs: used on teflon non-stick cookware & microwave popcorn bags
- Heavy Metals: Arsenic, Mercury and Lead have all been found in major water supplies, food such as conventional seafood, silver fillings, and paint
- Antibiotics and Hormones: Found in conventionally-raised meat supply (poultry, red meat, etc). They are given to the animals to increase their growth & decrease rate of illness due to non-ethical conditions of the farm.
- Triclosan: Found in soaps, hand sanitizers, cleaners, even toothpastes. This is a common ingredient in anti-bacterial products.
How can we avoid our exposure to these toxins?
Follow the 4 Rs: Recognize, Remove, Reduce and Replace
Recognize: The first step is awareness of your toxic exposure. Start a list and write different categories/rooms of where you might have hidden toxins. From here, you can take one category at a time and work to reduce your toxic load.
Remove: This is the ideal solution! While this might be the obvious answer, it is not always easy or even realistic for some. There are some things that are out of our control. However, we CAN reduce the amount of exposure and swap out the toxic products for cleaner and safer alternatives.
Reduce & Replace: There are many ways to make safer decisions regarding your products and health. All the small lifestyle habits and choices you make DO add up.
For more specific ways, brands I use and more, check out these other articles:
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